L' allocco.
Vediamo se c’è qualcuno che ha capito bene cosa vuole questo signore che parla di milioni di dollari a me e a chi sa quanti altri che non hanno un centesimo di euro per sopravvivere.
Se è una presa in giro, non me la sento di farmi prendere per i fondelli, scusate l’espressione. Ma è possibile che uno che ha tanti soldi non sa come fare per farne altri in maniera più adeguata ?
I disperati arrivano in Italia attraverso il mare, i più furbi attraverso Internet. L’immagine dell’uccello che più si accompagna a questa nota, penso sia l’allocco. Speriamo che non se ne abbia a male.
Dear Sir/Madam
My name is Mr.Ali Usman, I am a director of fact finding and special duties, I am newly appointed to head the department in this Apex Bank (CBN). In pursuit, I and my two staffs of my department found out some irregularities going on, your payment with Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). And we found out that you had met all the statutory requirement needed to effect transfer of your funds into your bank account. I am not happy with the way people have been extorting money from you on pretext to help you receive your Million Dollars with this bank.
I will advice you from this moment to desist from communicating with these unscrupulous elements that paraded themselves to be good innocent people, I want to let you know that if you did not desist from this bad elements, that you will continue paying your hard earned money to them and with their endless stories, requesting one certificate to another. I can assure you that since last years this their fraudulent character had started and none of them can pay you the supposed money. Note that all the money you had paid to them were used for their personal interest/ benefits, I reiterated that you should stop any further correspondence with this unbelievers.
It is a pity that this people had extorted much money from you, but I had personally introduced a device that can be possibly use to pay you all this money without any further documentation, but it must be keep secret because I want to use the method the foreign currencies do come into he country. It will be arranged through diplomatic preference carriage scheme. I will first dispatch two boxes that will contained $20million of $100 bills to your private address and after receipt of the boxes and you confirm the contents from your bankers.
Then, I will send to you another batch, but I will advice that you let nobody know about this method to avoid people eyebrow. I had arranged with the courier company, the company had agreed to dispatch the boxes, but I did not tell them the original contents because the courier companies do not carry physical cash for dispatch, what will declare to them as the contents of the boxes is sensitive films and film materials, so that the company will not request for physical inspections because the films material does not require sunrays or contact with air.
I will finally conclude with the courier company, when I receive your go ahead order, please kindly stop any further discussion with these people and do not pay any more money to them or to those called themselves bank officials. I will furnish you with more information’s as soon as I receive your go ahead order, that you will compensate me and my colleague’s with the sum of $2,000,000.00 dollars. For your information, the courier will charge us for delivery and we have to pay them before the delivery.
I wait to hearing from you
Best regards
Mr.Ali Usman
Nota sull’allocco
Il suo pasto preferito sono i piccoli mammiferi, in particolare i topi. Inoltre non disdegna altre prede anche invertebrati.
Ha un capo grosso e tondeggiante, occhi neri. Si mimetizza perfettamente nel boscoin quanto il suo colore lo può far sembrare la corteccia di un albero.
La taglia è di 39-43 cm , l’ala di 25-30,5 cm , l’apertura alare di 87-99 cm , la coda 17-18 cm , il tarso 43-47 mm , il becco 28 mm , il peso variabile dai 310 ai 620 grammi e l’uovo 46,7-39,1 mm . E’ possibile vederlo cacciare di notte. Non ha un habitat preferenziale, però sotto i 1000 metri s.l.m.. Al di fuori dei boschi non si fa vedere quasi mai. Frequenta boschi, parchi e giardini e le case di campagna dove è più facile camuffarsi. Ha costumi prettamente notturni e si riposa appressato a un tronco d'albero.
La taglia è di 39-
Nidifica tra febbraio e giugno, in cavità naturali (principalmente alberi o nidi abbandonati) o artificiali. Depone mediamente 2-4 uova, ad intervalli non regolari (fa solo una covata). L'incubazione dura un mese, l'involo dei pulli avviene dopo 5 settimane dalla schiusa. Per l'autosufficienza occorrono 4 mesi.
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